Common Questions about Setria Glutathione

  • What is Setria Glutathione?

    Manufactured using a fermentation process, Setria® Glutathione is a powerful tripeptide that enhances the glutathione content of critical tissues. Glutathione is the most important antioxidant in the body.

  • Why take Setria Glutathione when the body already produces its own glutathione?

    Under some conditions, the body's glutathione level may be depleted, requiring additional supplementation to fight free radical damage.

  • What are the benefits of Setria?

    Setria delivers three main health benefits: antioxidant protection, detoxification, and immune fortification.

  • What is the proper dosage of Setria?

    In general, scientific evidence suggests that a healthy intake of glutathione should be in the range of 250 to 1,000 mg per day. Therefore, 250 mg is a reasonable target for healthy people, while those that may have depleted glutathione status should consult with a health care practitioner to determine the appropriate dose.

  • Is Setria safe?

    Yes! The safety of supplemental glutathione has repeatedly been demonstrated in studies in which participants ingested 1000 mg - or ten times the recommended Setria dosage - of glutathione per day.

  • Is Setria Non-GMO?

    Yes! Setria is NON-GMO as it does not contain any genetically modified materials as tested by Nutrasource’s IGEN program.

  • What is a free radical?

    A free radical is reactive compound with an unpaired electron. Free radicals are harmful because they "steal" electrons from healthy molecules.

  • What is an antioxidant?

    An antioxidant is a substance that neutralizes a free radical (also known as an oxidant) by donating one of its electrons, thus preventing the radical from damaging other molecules. Glutathione is the most important antioxidant in the body because it not only stops free radicals in their tracks - it recycles other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E.

  • Where do free radicals come from?

    Free radicals are unavoidable in daily life. One of the biggest sources of free radicals is the normal process of metabolism. Other common sources of free radicals include ultraviolet radiation, x-rays, tobacco smoke, air pollutants, alcohol, and saturated fat. Sometimes the immune system generates free radicals to fight off an infection. Exercise also increases the production of free radicals.  However, the benefits associated with exercise outweigh the free radicals produced by it.

  • What are some other ways to increase glutathione levels?

    Moderate, prolonged physical exercise increases levels of glutathione in the blood and skeletal muscles. Additionally, some vitamins and nutritional supplements act as glutathione boosters, including lipoic acid, pine bark extract, melatonin, bilberry, grape seed extract, vitamin C, whey protein, and turmeric. However, the very best way to ensure adequate glutathione levels is to provide the body with pre-formed glutathione, such as Setria.